Epinephrine - Rock Rocks - Nevada

Friday, November 5, 2010

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Epinephrine is “THE” Red Rocks Classic climb - the route is long, varied and follows a spectacular chimney system. The climb is 18 pitches of v5.9 grade climbing. The chimney’s have rebuffed more than one spindly-legged 5.12 sport climber and have introduced countless other climbers to previously unknown levels of cardiovascular fatigue. It has also forced many unplanned overnight bivies.

This climb was all I could handle and I completely blew out 3 times during the chimney system. If crossfit was climbing this is exactly what it would look like. Fortunately for me, John led this entire climb all the way to the unroped scramble at the end. Our ascent of 5:46 from the base to the summit is also respectable compared to the standing 5:10 speed record of a roped team set back 10 years ago.

Partial list of completed climbs -

*First ascent